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Touch Gloves Boxing

Touch Gloves Podcast bringing you the latest boxing news from around the world weekly, but from a fans perspective – both domestically and globally.

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About Touch Gloves Boxing

Family duo Biyenge and Yours Truly Tre ™️  presents Touch Gloves Boxing Podcast. The pair are passionate about boxing. They are extremely fascinated by professional boxing and not only is it a competitive sport, but they believe the training helps improve fitness, body composition, and strength – and also it is great for your mind. Train like a Champion to be a “Champion”

We discuss everything to do with boxing upcoming fights, predictions, etc stay tuned for more boxing news.

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Meet the hosts



I’m passionate about boxing, What I find fascinating is that boxing training can help improve your heart health, body composition, and strength, as well as lower your blood pressure and weight loss. I love the sport so much that I’m willing to participate in a professional boxers training camp to discipline myself mentally and physically.


I am a massive Boxing fan. I love the sport and I started watching Boxing from a very young age. I enjoy the whole aspect of the sport, from the training sessions and preparations (Camp) to the build-up / Promos to the actual Main Event on fight night. I really enjoy watching the classic fights and now as I get older, I find myself enjoying the analysis and the science behind what makes fighters truly great. All fighters who step in the ring are Warriors and I respect them all equally. In my humble opinion, talent, skills, luck, and knowing the right people (Network) is great, but having the heart not to give up and having the passion to perfect your craft are essential to succeeding in life, as well as in the ring. Life is an individual sport and no other sport mirrors life quite like boxing. And that's why I love boxing. It is honest, entertaining, and action-packed! Who doesn't love a good scrap between two warriors! well, I certainly do.
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