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Real Football Cast

60 quickfire minutes discussing all the latest news from the football world, from off-field topics, VAR, sackings, transfer rumours and everything in between!

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About Real Football Cast

Launched in 2018, the Real Football Cast already has more than 100 full length episodes under its belt.

Within the space of 60 quickfire minutes, we aim to dissect all the hot topics in football.

As per usual we’ll be discussing what has been going in the Premier League over the past few days. While in addition to that, there are always a few off-pitch activities that have caught our eye and they’ll also be getting our attention during the hour-long show.

Meet the hosts

Dan Tracey

Dan Tracey

Dan Tracey is an avid Spurs fan who, when not at the new Tottenham Stadium, can usually be found writing or talking about football. As the founder of the Real Football Cast, Dan loves nothing more than asking the questions to his fellow pod squad members and although he gets an incredible amount of enjoyment from the show, he genuinely hopes you all enjoy listening from week to week.
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